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Learning & Teaching Framework

Learning & Teaching Framework

Our Catholic school communities believe all learners are created in the image of God and viewed as unique individual learners who are supported to achieve their highest potential.

Our schools are committed to providing high quality learning and teaching through the implementation of the Australian Curriculum. Every student must develop strong literacy and numeracy skills in their earliest years of schooling, and go on to develop broad and deep knowledge across a range of curriculum areas.  

  • confident and creative individuals
  • successful lifelong learners
  • active and informed members of the community.

 Teachers have high expectations of all learners and implement effective evidence-based pedagogy that leads to student growth.   

We believe that learning happens best within supportive partnerships in which learners feel valued, connected and engaged in their learning. Schools create an inviting and inclusive learning environment that dignifies all learners.


Good Shepherd Catholic School implements the Australian Curriculum across all year levels Prep to Year 6

The Australian Curriculum subjects taught include English, Mathematics, Science,Humanities and Social Sciences, Health and Physical Education, The Arts and Technology.

Religious Education is also taught across all year levels. Schools in the Townsville Diocese use the Religious Education program as designed and approved by the Brisbane Catholic Education.

Our curriculum is supported and enriched by
  1. a commitment to providing knowledge of and maintaining access to current Information Technology systems in all classrooms and work areas;

  2. continuing development of the library as the main resource centre of the school;

  3. a specialist Physical Education teacher; 

  4. a specialist Music teacher

  5. a school choir;

  6. learning support/enrichment structures;

  7. a variety of outreach groups; and

  8. a commitment to provide all staff members with ongoing opportunities for professional development.

Australian Curriculum

The Australian Curriculum is no secret; everyone can access the full curriculum at 

Just remember that when you see the word `Foundation' they are really talking about what we refer to as `Prep'.


Assessment identifies growth in student learning and focuses on student demonstration of outcomes whilst also catering for the diverse needs of all learners.

Assessment is an integral part of the planning, teaching and learning process. It is comprehensive, valid and reliable. The data collected assists in identifying areas of strength and weaknesses to guide further learning.


Teachers prepare a written report for each student (Prep to Year 6) at the end of each semester (twice a year).

The Semester 1 report is delivered to parents/carers when they attend an interview with the class teacher towards the end of Term 2. The Semester 2 report is distributed to families via the students on the Monday of the last week of Term 4.

Teachers will be pleased to discuss a child's progress at any time during the year. It is best to arrange an appointment for these meetings.

Parents are encouraged to attend parent information sessions at the beginning of Term One to familiarize themselves with an overview of the year's work. Other parent information sessions may also be offered during the year. These sessions will provide details of activities and projects being undertaken within the teaching-learning environment as well as to ensure there is consistency of information for the student between school and home.