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At Good Shepherd Catholic school, we aim to establish a sporting culture that encourages and enables all children to play and enjoy sport. All students participate in Physical Education lessons each week, based on the Australian Curriculum, with a specialist PE teacher. 

Throughout the year, students are exposed to a wide range of sports and games which help to develop children’s fundamental movement skills. Students are provided with opportunities to participate in various inter school sporting competitions as promoted by Townsville School Sport. These opportunities will be promoted to students and will be acknowledged across multiple communication platforms including our school Newsletter, Facebook and through Weekly What’s Ons. 

To raise the profile of PE, we have sporting houses within the school which are Bohle (Blue), Stuart (Gold) and Ross (Green). Houses develop children’s sportsmanship, team skills and create a sense of belonging. 

Term 1

Swimming lessons (3-6), GSCS Swimming Carnival (8yr olds-12yr olds), Interschool Swimming Carnival (selected students only), Ruth Young Hockey Memorial, Netball Gala Day, After School League Stars

Term 2

Good Shepherd Fun Run, Interschool Cross Country (selected students only), Good Shepherd Athletics Carnival, Obe Geia Rugby Challenge Palm Island (selected students only)

Term 3

Swimming lessons (Prep-2), Interschool Athletics Carnival, Blackhawks Rugby League Day

Term 4

Colour run, Mixed Touch Gala Day